Make Your Call
Which CALL will you make?
We understand change can challenge. But we can help.
With IBEScore, every call will lead to a simply scored, optimally organised bridge score.
With rankings every game of bridge.
More than simply an electronic bridge game scoring system,
IBEscore puts players at the heart and brings bridge games to life.
Why Choose IBEScore?
Online bridge, shopping, family meetups and from home leisure pursuits have been invaluable to the game of bridge. We know that bridge players know how to use their smart phones. Whatever they might tell you! And those who don’t, understand they are in the minority. IBEScore is easy to use, players can teach themselves in thirty seconds by clicking the HELP and then giving it a go. PLUS we offer incentives and rewards designed to motivate giving it a go– simply download the App and click the three dots to find out more.
Many bridge players tell us they treated themselves to comfy chairs and decent coffee during the pandemic. We can’t help you improve the chairs, but we can help you have a little more in the kitty to buy supply better tea, coffee and biscuits at the club!
The IBEScore pricing strategy is carefully designed to ensure it is a low cost operating expense for every bridge group. If you don’t charge your players, we don’t charge you. If you play large and often we are delighted – you’ll never pay more than the annual fee. If you need us from time to time, our pay as you go ensures your game has world class support at a no hassle fixed fee.
What will our game technology look like ten years from now? Just as bridge players upgrade their phones regularly, IBEScore developers, directors and customer supporters are talented professionals constantly learning and updating their skills to keep our bridge extra tools current so you don’t need to. You can feel confident that with each payment you make, you are investing wisely in the future of your players’ game.
Bridge is the most wonderful leisure activity. IBEScore sits comfortably alongside app utilities for other leisure activities in eg gym bookings, online classes and golf when making technology comparisons. If you need a value-added reason for adjusting table money prices, IBEScore really is a fantastic opportunity to challenge norms and change perceptions. Family and friends can follow performance by spectating from anywhere in the world, or a simple screenshot gives a player to photo to share proudly.
An IBEScore gold subscription guarantees a service for all bridge players in your community. Our expert directing team will set up and run online games and/or merge simultaneously played venue and online sections.
With IBEScore readily installable on a player’s device, any organiser can score a bridge tournament within their community without seeking out membership to an established bridge group.

If you want the status quo for your players, IBEScore is not for you. This is an investment you should ONLY make if you really do want to give your players a new way to enjoy their bridge. Many online benefits like viewing rankings on your own device, review played boards for makeable contract and what others did are all available for IBEScore users. Our Directors use IBESCore to manage events because bridge players having their best bridge experience is their number one priority. Learn to use IBEScore and your players will share in the experience of top class services whenever they play.
We hear tell that many pre pandemic directors are choosing to only run games played online so there’s a global shortage of men and women willing to direct games at venues. IBEScore addresses this phenomenon. If you are struggling to find directors IBEScore integrates the tools to score games without a director. If you like your pre-pandemic director, but he or she is unwilling to travel, IBEScore allows he or she to direct remotely ie from their armchair. Alternatively, with an IBEScore GOLD subscription, our excellent team become your virtual director – setting up, running and finalising the games at times when you want to play.
Meeting to play bridge is a wonderful way to socialise, catch up with friends and support the community with your presence. With the changing nature of costs and leisure pursuits bridge games across the globe bridge games are happening in smaller groups. Creating the right movement and ensuring players know where to sit is made easy when creating games using IBEScore – select from a variety of movements for 8+ players, create the game and every round players receive onward movement instructions on their own device.
Games across clubs in a town or by interest group, even inter-nation can be setup and run simultaneously. Café bridge thrives because players can move confidently around their venues circuit smart phone instructions always at the ready. With IBEScore your players can meet and play each other, but organisers have scope to give a bigger game ranking experience using the advanced features.
With an IBEScore Gold subscription merging online and card holding games becomes easy including every player in your community.
We are becoming more comfortable with a lot of information coming our way in a short space of time, so we regularly hear reports that the downtown between rounds with no other “entertainment” makes club games just too boring. IBEScore gives players a wealth of information – previous boards, rankings, leads, makeable contracts and even auctions to study.
A truly tragic side effect of the pandemic, we have forgotten how to even try. Once the How was the pandemic for you? Have you taken holidays yet? and Did you play bridge online? conversation starters have dried up, it’s back to staring politely anywhere but left, right or centre lest we make eye contact and have to say something else. It’s made even worse because we know that online we don’t have to “make nice”, or be found wanting by others.
IBESCore is FREE to download so players can enjoy, discuss and share bridge jigsaw puzzles, articles, quizzes and coaching tips. – plenty to stop anyone feeling bored and keep focussed on things bridge.
And starts as soon you try something new.
It’s that simple.
Here are some ways to try IBEScore.
- Attend a Virtual Demonstration – play some cards and try the IBEScore App for yourself
- Run an trial session in your club
- Seek a skills trade whereby you try and we give our time to improve your bottom line!
- Download and install the App. Open it and CLICK buttons. Apply for a GAME CODE and Just do it!
- Book a demonstration or training session with us