I BE Bridge Secure for Great Results
Look to 2023 bridge scoring technology to score your bridge games safely, simply and securely every time.
History reports that it’s time for a secure shakeup of game administration.
August 2022. Back from an extended hiatus where games were played only online, the national bridge organisers in England woke up to a diabolical reality one summer morning. There was a break-in at the playing venue overnight, and thieves relieved the organisation of the entire laptop collection which had been diligently setup in readiness for the national tournament. While it was probably not the most lucrative haul for the thieves, it was truly disruptive to a smoothly organised tournament. And laptops are expensive to replace.
Meanwhile earlier at the Peruvian Border, bridgemates were seized and destroyed when the authorities couldn’t determine their function or purpose with any satisfaction.
Somewhere else, one poor soul’s bridge holiday was completely ruined before the plane even took-off. Soon after meeting up with her partner at the airport, she kindly offered to help push a luggage trolley carrying cases of bridge scoring equipment. It was poorly stacked and overturned, falling onto her. The collision broke her arm.
One festival organiser shelled out 250 Euro to insure the safe arrival of 75 bridgemates to his island resort tournament venue.
Where was IBEscore in all this you ask? Indeed!
Sadly for those poor souls, back then IBEscore was yet to arrive into the GOOGLE PLAY and APPLE download store. BUT IT IS THERE NOW!
IBEscore is an electronic bridge game scoring app promoted by a team of experienced bridge organising directors who advocate for it’s use in any competitive bridge game. It is their scorer of choice to score bridge games for many reasons:
- It is really EASY TO SETUP and run games from anywhere (and we can call on support from virtual teams when we need it)
- Players ENJOY THE FULL COLOUR SCREEN DISPLAY – especially being able to view rankings and review played boards on their own screen, in their own time
- Keying mistakes are super rare because players can see the score entry screen clearly
- After game administration is done at the touch of a button anywhere so no need to wait to get home to submit results
- NO EQUIPMENT to carry, insure or lock up overnight
IBEscore is our offering to the bridge market for electronically scoring bridge games safely when played holding cards. With performance tracking just like online. For online bridge or at a venue bridge, there is NOW a safe, secure way to score it.
It’s called IBEscore – the simplest, most readily accessible bridge scoring tool – and what’s more it is the SAFEST.
To use the scoring part of the IBEScore App, you’ll need a GAME CODE.
The game organiser (or someone who will act as Scorer for the session) uses the GAME CODE and a DIrector password to access the game creation features of this cloud based scoring system.
Players in a session simply type in the organiser’s GAME CODE.
To become an IBEScore organiser and start creating games, simply apply for a game code.
IBEScore is a FREE* easy to use App for Bridge Game scoring and more
NO MORE SECURITY ISSUES, one player=one phone
IBEScore is a FREE* easy to use App for Bridge Game scoring and more
NO MORE SECURITY ISSUES, one player=one phone
(*Setting up and scoring in-session, viewing rankings, travelers and scorecards, researching, reading, learning and killing time with the world’s newest extra for bridge bridge bridge require no payment. Extras including virtual directing services, publishing results, adding deal files and movement/outputs customisation are available on subscription to IBEScore services. )
This is a campaign promotional page for IBEScore – the world’s coolest, most practical, & readily accessible (in our humble opinion)smart phone scoring solution for bridge duplicated games – Club Pairs, Teams, International Trials, Swiss Teams, Swiss Pairs and Individuals can all be handled by this amazing little app which anyone who plays bridge can learn to use in just a few minutes to setup the scoring for their bridge game.
For more information visit the IBEScore website at https://www.ibescore.com