Only assert your suit AFTER partner has defined their shape and points
Long suit bidding strategy
When you have a long suit and potential for a high level contract, if partner has not yet defined their shape and points, always stay low to strive for game, or even slam.
On this hand above, North might choose to open 4♠ but the hand is a bit strong really. If partner is a passed hand then opening 4♠ would be OK. The reason here is that you may have a slam so should go slowly. When South responds 1NT, now North concludes the bidding with 4♠.
East should lead the ♣Q rather than risk a red suit. Anytime you have a 3 card sequence you should lead that in preference to anything else.
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At the table Declarer won the club and took a spade finesse. East won and continued a club. Now Declarer played try a heart towards the King and Ace. East eventually got in with a heart and took out dummy’s last trump and Declarer went down 1. Unlucky, maybe a little. A better play is to trump a club immediately and then lead a heart. West should win and see that Declarer might trump a heart in dummy so they switch to a trump and still defeat the contract. At teams however, you win the ♣A in dummy and lead a low heart away from the King. This ensures success as if East wins the trick then they cannot attack the trumps in dummy without giving a trick and if West plays the ♥Q then you have the ♥K opposite ♥J2 which is sure to make a trick. A tough play to find.