Whenever your side has ten cards in a suit, to lead an ace is fine, otherwise it is a crime when you play bridge to underlead an ace in a trump suit.
Lost your mind or have we lost ours?
Today’s tip goal is NOT to advocate for criminal intent, nor is it to send you home from bridge class telling your friends you did. might or have committed a crime.
It is simply to explain the thing all aspiring bridge players already know. NEVER underlead an ACE if you are defending a trump contract .
Three great bridge teachers will explain the reasons NOT to underlead that winning Ace.
So what should you do instead of leading a low card from the suit when you hold an ace?
EITHER: Lead a different suit
OR: Lead the Ace
Our expert nugget today comes from Sydney, Australia.
The more cards your side has in your suit, the more you should lead the Ace. Have a read of this nice hand.
On this hand above, North might choose to open 4♠ but the hand is a bit strong really. If partner is a passed hand then opening 4♠ would be OK. The reason here is that you may have a slam so should go slowly. When South responds 1NT, now North concludes the bidding with 4♠.
East opens 1♦ and South overcalls 1♠. West should bid 2♠ as a cue-bid raise showing 10+points and support. North should immediately bid to the number of trumps and East bids 5♦ ending the auction.
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After some fierce competition in spades, E/W will probably get to 5♦ which can be beaten by under leading the ♠A and getting a heart switch. In reality the defence will play two rounds of spades ruffed by Declarer. It is fine to lead an Ace at the 5 level in the suit bid and raised. Now the best line is to draw trumps and play ♣AK and another. This works whenever the clubs are 3-3 and if South happens to win the trick they will be endplayed. Note there is no need to play hearts before clubs. If you take a heart finesse early then South will continue a heart and defeat 5♦.