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If E/W are playing the weak multi then they might open 2♦ showing 3-7 points and a long major. Here however we would open the East hand 2♠ anyway showing 8-11. Not vul vs vul and all points in your long suits. You want to encourage partner both to bid on if they have a fit with you and to double the opponents as you have good defensive cards that will help. If East does open 2♦ then South must pass for now and West should jump to 3♥ as a pass or correct bid. East will correct to 3♠ and South has a tough decision about coming in or not. They should definitely double for take-out. East is weak and West has announced weakness. North will bid 4♥ ending the auction.
East leads a spade to the Ace and West should not want to open up a new suit and plays a spade back forcing dummy to trump. Declarer should now knock out the ♣A and trump another spade in dummy. The key to this hand is the diamond suit. East is unlikely to have a 6 card suit and ten points. Therefore the ♦K is with West. Lead the ♦Q from dummy and win the Ace and lead another diamond towards dummy. East is likely to have a doubleton diamond and it is unlikely to be the King.
TODAY’S TIP: Look to the opponent’s bidding and card play to help with decision making.