Promoting a trick for your partner when they have only one point feels great!
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After West opened 2♠, North makes a take-out double while East bids 4♠ ending the auction.
Against 4♠ North leads the ♣A and should realise when dummy cones down that partner has almost nothing. North continues with the King and Queen with all following. What should North do now? Partner cannot hold a red suit Ace on the auction so the only chance is to play them for the ♠J. North can continue with the thirteenth club, sure it will give Declarer a ruff and discard, but your side could develop an unexpected trump trick!
South could actually encourage the lead as they want to try and make their ªJ. When they then follow with three clubs, North should realise what South means.
TODAY’S TIP: When you defend try to gain extra tricks by promoting a trump in partner’s hand.