Help partner in the bidding. Get technically optimistic when your loser count is too high to succeed otherwise.
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South opens 1♠ and West should double rather than overcall 2§. North bids 3♣ which is a Bergen raise showing 6-9 points and 4 spades and East might bid 3♦. However I would double 3♣ on the East hand as I would prefer partner to lead clubs rather than diamonds. At this vul you are really only bidding for the lead as a sacrifice is going to be too expensive.
Without a double West will probably lead the ♦K and Declarer wins the Ace. On the surface it looks like there are 4 un-escapable losers. There is however a couple of chances. The first is to cross to dummy with a heart and then lead the ♠Q from dummy. It will be very hard for a lot of players to duck this if they hold KX. The other chance is the correct line of play. I could choose either line depending on who I play. The technical line is to play four rounds of hearts and discard your losing diamond. For this to work you need hearts 3-3 and the spades 2-1 with A6 or K6 in one hand. When the player with two trumps ruffs the last heart then the trumps will now be 1-1 and will fall together. However after a take-out double this is much less likely.
TODAY’S TIP: When you have too many unescapable losers, try something technical and play for the hand you need the opponent(s) to have. Just give it a go! You never know!