What do we do when IBEScore breaks?
Quote from Nicole2023 on 31/01/2023, 5:51 pmIt is quite difficult to break IBEScore in normal usage.
Nothing a player does will destroy a game - simply ask the player to do 1-3 below and all should be fine. Sometimes they may need to restart their device as well if the device has gotten itself thoroughly confused!
A game creator might however succeed in breaking the functionality for the GAME CODE itself. If you try to use some of the uncommon movements, or mix services, or try to use it for unintended purposes it can happen.
You will notice that the App has "broken" in a variety of ways - messages become gobbledy gooklike (missing letters), the App closes itself or will not refresh.
These are things to try first.
- Refresh App
- Quit the Duplicate (using the Menu icon and SETTINGS options)
- Make sure you have the most current version installed - click on the IBEScore icon in Google Play or the Apple App on your device to update (ie do not assume OPEN means you are current!
- If none of these work you will need to contact us. In the first instance we will purge the GAME CODE (giving everything a good clean out and setting it back to its default).
It is quite difficult to break IBEScore in normal usage.
Nothing a player does will destroy a game - simply ask the player to do 1-3 below and all should be fine. Sometimes they may need to restart their device as well if the device has gotten itself thoroughly confused!
A game creator might however succeed in breaking the functionality for the GAME CODE itself. If you try to use some of the uncommon movements, or mix services, or try to use it for unintended purposes it can happen.
You will notice that the App has "broken" in a variety of ways - messages become gobbledy gooklike (missing letters), the App closes itself or will not refresh.
These are things to try first.
- Refresh App
- Quit the Duplicate (using the Menu icon and SETTINGS options)
- Make sure you have the most current version installed - click on the IBEScore icon in Google Play or the Apple App on your device to update (ie do not assume OPEN means you are current!
- If none of these work you will need to contact us. In the first instance we will purge the GAME CODE (giving everything a good clean out and setting it back to its default).