Rankings, results, comparisons at your fingertips
Customisable views
The game creator can decide what is viewable by players during the session. Deal and leads plus results, or no viewing until after a session is at the discretion of the organiser.
Each pair has their own pair number and scorecard
So every player can review their scores with percentages for each boards and each round on their own device.
Just by remembering to click on the IBESCcore menu icon and then clicking to refresh
The IBEScore Menu icon is your key to finding all.
Locate all scoring performance data in the IBEScore App
IBEScore Menu icon
Only see boards when you have played them
Security is integral to safely playing bridge in 2023.
Named round info
Every round Pair numbers, names and board information is easily readable by every player who is using the IBEScore App.
Keep everyone on the same movement track easily
The tablecards are in the app for all players and the Director to view to keep on track
CLICK on PLAYERS to find out where lost players need to seat on a round, or BOARDS to verify the boards go to the correct table.