When you need to send a message to partner that will get their attention, play a card that partner is not expecting. This will make partner sit up and take notice – and if you are lucky partner will start thinking what is the message you are trying to give?
The Bidding
South should open 1S and West overcalls 2♥ and North is too strong to bid 4S and should start with a cue-raise. If N/S were playing splinters then they could bid 4C. East will probably double 3© and South will attempt to sign off. North will bid 4S ending the auction.
Click Next in the grid below to follow the play which defeats the contract. Or have a look at how you might apply this week’s tip (hint: East can set the alarm clock for West). Or read below to find out all.
The Play
West leads the ♥A and will probably continue with a second heart and Declarer will make 10 or 11 tricks depending on whether East gets a diamond ruff or not. How can West send a message to East to shift to a diamond at trick one? The answer is for West to drop the ♥Q at trick one under the Ace. This is an alarm clock signal. This clearly asks for a diamond shift. Now after a diamond ruff and a heart back to the King and another diamond ruff and 4♠ is defeated!